A reflex spasm


Algodystrophy corresponds to a prolonged locoregional “reflex spasm” involving the sympathetic nervous system. It most often occurs in a joint (wrist, knee, ankle, foot, etc.) following localized injury (e.g. trauma, surgery, infection).
It can appear in patients with psychological problems (anxiety/depression, stress, anxiety, spasmophilia, etc.)


Due to the prolonged neurovascular spasm, algodystrophy will cause locoregional disorders, whether metabolic, microcirculatory or osmotic. Clinically, swelling is observed, associated with pain and functional impairment.


Algodystrophy is treated by therapeutic cellular washing (“wash out”) using percutaneous hydrotomy. This technique allows the normalization of cellular osmotic pressure, combined with mesochelation to eliminate the toxins causing the inflammation.

Apart from the hydration problem, at the neurovascular level, the complementary vasoactive treatment also activates the microcirculation (elimination of chemical mediators of inflammation) and restores the functional state within 6 to 10 sessions.